9 top reasons choose off-campus student accommodation

Student Accommodation Birmingham

College life is all about freedom and during this time, you will understand what independence is. The first year in a new college is quite significant, as you need some time to get accustomed to the new place. This is the reason that most of the university students want to switch from university of the hall to off-campus student accommodation in the second year. If you still have not considered this option yet, then here are the top 9 reasons which will convince you to give it a thought:


  • Enjoying freedom:White is quite self-explanatory, living in an off-campus student accommodation will provide you much more freedom than living inside the campus. If you opt for a college hostel then you are bound by the rules and regulations including the fixed entry and meal timings.

On the other hand, when you opt for living in student accommodation Birmingham provides you with enough flexibility to cook meals, enjoy different activities, curfew times, and much more to make it a more appealing choice.


  • No moving out over the holidays:Most of the on-campus accommodation forces the students to move out twice a year during the breaks. This can be really a hassle especially if you are an international student. This will also cost you more money if you have to rent storage spaces. With the off-campus student accommodation, your rooms are yours for as long as you want. You don’t have to move out until you want to.


  • Privacy:This one is definitely an advantage. In an off-campus apartment, you can easily get your own room with an attached bathroom. You do not have to share your room with someone if you don’t want to. In addition to it, when you are going out for a day, you can lock your room and keep the keys along with you. The only things that you have to share are our kitchen, common rooms, washer, and dryer. Having your own room will provide you with a space where you can relax Read more.


  • A wide range of amenities:When you stay in off-campus student accommodation, you can look forward to some amazing amenities. The property managers provide different kinds of amenities such as a swimming pool, coffee bars, breakfast on the go, car parking, etc. depending on the Student Houses in Birmingham you book. However, the majority of the accommodation comprises of common area, study spaces, and gyms.


  • Better food:One thing which every student misses once they leave their home is good food. Student often complains about the hostel’s food quality. From under cooked dishes to the repeated menu, adjusting to the food provided in a hostel can be really tough. this is one problem that you will never face in off-campus housing as you can get some home-style meals or you can cook your food yourself keeping in mind your taste buds and health.


  • Living standards are better:Choosing such a kind of accommodation will help you enjoy the different kinds of facilities you want. Not only you will have access to different amenities, but you will have a better bed, study space, fridge, microwave, etc. to help you lead a smooth life in all terms.


  • Networking opportunities:The accommodation generally has the same kind of demographics as their residents like students or working professionals. In addition to it, such kinds of spaces will conduct icebreaker activities and other events, which will provide you with different opportunities to connect with new people and also make friends for life. This will definitely enrich your college experience.

Such kind of networking opportunities is not very common in the campus living facilities and hence you can go the extra mile to meet up with new people. The international students who make a significant part of the university’s total student population will discover these verified and curated properties very helpful. For a trouble stay, they offer attempting to cut authentication methods including CCTV and secure door entry.

The homes are also well-connected to the rest of the city by a robust network of roads, making it simple to quickly visit other fascinating regions! For individuals wishing to unwind after a taxing study session or simply party it up on the weekend, the accessibility of bars, cafes, and clubs is a major plus.


  • Fewer distractions: On-campus accommodations are generally quite busy and noisy. It becomes very difficult to focus on your studies as something is always happening around you. By choosing to live off-campus, you can decide if you want to be a part of the action or not. Whenever you want to study, you can find your space and study in peace.


  • Meet people from different universities: Off-campus accommodations allow you to meet new people. Grow your network as well as interact with the people who study at the different schools. On-campus accommodation is for students from your own university only.

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