What every student should know before heading to University


The idea of heading to the university is one that is filled with excitement but also some element of apprehension. After all, going to a new university is an experience of a lifetime. You will be unaccompanied and away from home for the very first time. however, the reality is that first-year students soon get into the swing of things and they find that it does not take a lot of time to fit in and become part of the new world. However, the fresher’s week is known to be the time when the students feel overwhelmed before the studying really starts. The students have a chance to make friends and head out but what should the first-year students know before they even start with the university?

Arrange your accommodation:

When it comes to looking for a place to live most first-year students select to stay in the halls of residence as they are managed by the university. Presently, it is one of the best ways to meet new people. Privately rented housing or off-campus university accommodation are viable alternatives, although they are more prevalent with mature or postgraduate students. If you have to go to the university-owned housing, you will generally be faced with the selection between catered and self-catered, friendly and quiet, or single and varied gender halls.

It is never too early to start thinking about your inclinations as most of the student halls are assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you want to stop over at your university, contact the university’s accommodation office to enquire about accommodation open days and explore all the options. To get started, you can discover what you need to know about student accommodation Newcastle. 


Learn about the terminology:

You might find that you are confused with the terminology and that a lecture is the same as a class and the idea of the workshop might throw even more confusion into the mix. However, getting to comprehend all about the lingo is all part of the process. Classes are where you get a chance to learn with the tutor in a standard environment while the lectures are provided to larger groups in a lecture theatre. It is quite exciting but does not get caught up in all of the terminologies as everything will fall into place soon. 

Arrange a health check:

Before going out, it is important can to arrange a health check with your general practitioner before you leave home. This will ensure that you will start university in the best health possible. This is especially essential after the pandemic times. Sorting out any kind of disorders before you make the move will mean you are less likely to agonize from fresher’s flu which most first-year students experience due to lack of sleep, exercise, or a radical change in food regime. It is important that you come into contact with hundreds of new people, all in a short span of time. 

Freshers week:

Freshers week is one of the most important times of the year when the students get the time to party and enjoy their freedom. You can get the chance to maybe see some bands, hit the bars and meet other people. It is one of the best icebreakers but you can embrace it beautifully. However, provided the current circumstances, the fresher’s week might be slightly different this year but that does not mean that you will not have the chance to enjoy your time. 

Get to know the area:

You can visit the university town or city to get familiarized yourself with the new surroundings. To save money as well as time on making different kinds of journeys, especially if your selected university is far from home, it is a perfect idea to have a look around while you are go to an open day. Even a virtual tour experience can provide you with some sense of what to expect. Once you have moved, you can easily spare some time before the initiation of the term to discover the nearest train station, local shops, or your GP. You should also stay close to the campus library, student’s union as well as lecture buildings.

Take part in freshmen’s week

Find out how to make the most of freshmen’s week since there are a tonne of events planned for the first-year student a welcome week to assist you in adjusting to university life.

Your course department may arrange an icebreaker session during this time to introduce you to your classmates and lecturers. Your students’ union may host fairs offering you options to join societies and sports teams.

You can fully dedicate yourself to these pursuits while free from any course obligations to ensure that you are ready to begin your degree programme. The organization is crucial; make sure you are aware of your obligations in advance as this will aid in long-term time management.

Wrapping Up

It is one of the best opportunities to get to know your housemates by easily arranging to make these trips together, as they will all need to know where these things are too. The chore will feel less intimidating if you are not going alone.

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